Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Baby: Tooth Decay

Early this year, i noticed that my 14month old baby is that her teeth have some slight discoloration. I got so worried that i have to browse on internet soonest to check what it is about. I also leave an fb message to my cousin who is a dentist what was it a about.

She told me that perhaps my baby's teeth is showing signs of decay. I can't believed what i've just heard. I dont introduce much of sweet to my baby except of fruits and jellies. I can still count on my hands what sweets she ates.

Found out that during night bottle feeding might be the reason of this discoloration that might soon develop to decay. i was told by my cousin to dilute milk into more water and strictly avoid staying the bottle at her mouth when my baby is already asleep.

Another advice i got from her and some mommy friends i have is to introduce her to gel toothpaste. My first worry is she might swallow the paste since she doesn't know yet how to spit. but thanks to Sansfluo! it takes my worries away plus read in the label that it has XYLITOL that fights/prevents tooth decay.

Right after my office, i rushed to nearest Mercury drugstore. Found it! Cost Php 91.00. I am happy to find out that this product:
  • No artificial coloring
  • with Xylitol
  • Safe even if swallowed
Smile baby!!

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